music curaTion FOR: ResTauranTs • HoTels • STores • Consumer Brands
I work with my clients to craft unique, on-trend music programs that strike the right tone :)
Music programming for a store, hotel, restaurant, or other physical location.
playlisT services
Playlists for brands who want to use music in their marketing campaigns.
Here’s The Plan
STep 1 | ExploraTion + Proposal
First, we’ll have some chats so I can learn as much as possible about your brand and the location. Then I’ll put together an initial proposal with pricing.
STep 2 | Brand Music Profile
Once we agree to move forward, I’ll have you fill out a quick Musical Identity Survey. Then I’ll build a Music Profile for your brand to outline your music strategy.
STep 3 | PlaylisT Demos
I’ll build some playlist demos for you to listen to and provide feedback. Then we’ll finalize your music strategy.
STep 4 | Sound SysTem
We’ll make sure the sound system in each of your spaces is set up correctly.
STep 4 | Device SeTup
You’ll need a wifi capable phone, tablet, or PC for each sound system. We’ll download the Soundtrack player app to each device.
Final STep | Feedback
We’ll also set up your key staff with remote apps so they can change the music and provide feedback.
Here’s The Plan
STep 1 | ConversaTion
Check out the different package types and pricing below to see what’s right for your brand. Then get in touch and we can figure out what’s best for you.
STep 1 | Brand ExploraTion
I’ll do a deep dive on your brand, marketing, products, and services. I’ll also have you fill out a simple survey to help direct my curation. It’s fun, I promise.
STep 2 | Music CuraTion
Then I’ll create a Music Profile for your brand to outline my proposed playlist strategy. Once we’ve aligned, I’ll begin curating your playlists.
PlaylisT Package OpTions & Ideas
One-Off PlaylisTs
A playlist for a specific marketing campaign, a product launch event, or a brand announcement.
One PlaylisT
A general brand playlist, a playlist for a product or service, or just content for your social schedule.
Three PlaylisTs
Playlists for brands that have more than two products or experiences they want to provide music for.
Explore →
Four PlaylisTs
When you want music content for a wide variety of different products or marketing campaigns.
PlaylisT PromoTion
I also provide graphic design, marketing, consultation, and other promotional services to get your playlists into more ears. Here’s a few quick ideas: