Three Playlist Ideas

This package works for brands that have more than two products or experiences they want to provide music for. Alternatively, you can also combine various playlist types from the One Playlist Package and the Two Playlist Package.

Brand and Product Line Playlists

Example: A basic brand playlist for Time Watches that has a mix of the company’s favorite music. Then, a hip hop and r&b oriented playlist for their women’s products, and one for their men’s products

This package is for when you want a single playlist that represents your brand and then some accompanying playlists to support different product or service types. The brand playlist is promoted throughout different channels, but the product playlists are only promoted alongside those products.


Restaurant Playlists

Example: A morning, afternoon, and night playlist for Beachside Cafe. Each with it’s own particular energy level and mix of genres.

If you have a location that needs different playlists for different times of day, like a restaurant, store, event space, etc. then this would work for you.


Specific Product Playlists

From the Portfolio: I curate three different monthly playlists for cannabis oil company Ionic. Each playlist is built around one of their different strains of oils and focuses mostly on indie rock and pop.

If you have three different products that all need their own playlist, this package is perfect.