CusTom Music curaTion for currenT brands.

music curation FOR: ResTauranTs • HoTels • STores • Consumer Brands

I work with my clients to craft unique, on-trend music programs that strike the right tone :)

LeT’s skip The same old salesy song and dance and geT righT To iT. You’re lookin for some of ThaT good ole fashioned, human-made, musical TLC.

your brand marches To The beaT of your own Drum righT? Then you need a music program ThaT’s compleTely cusTom.

And If you wanT To sTay cool and on-Trend, Then you need ThaT perfecT mix of currenT and classic sounds To keep your cusTomers conTenT.

Those cold metal machines and automated algorithms can’t curate music like we humans can. We’ve got groove and soul. We’ve fallen in love with LPs and cried during choruses. We’ve let it all out on a dance floor once or twice or a thousand times. Music has soundtracked almost every formative moment of our vibrant beautiful lives.

So why should I be your music curator? Here’s a few reasons... I listened to 5,284 different artists in 2020 and in total, I listened to music for over 62 days straight. I’ve been working on my personal music library for 15 years and I’ve made about a million playlists for a million different reasons. I’ve got music notes tattooed behind my left ear. That’s love for music.

Choose an opTion below To geT sTarTed

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I have a space that needs a soundtrack

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I have a marketing campaign that needs playlists

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I have a unique music project that’s extra cool

The bells and whisTles

A Musical Brand IdeNTITY

As a brand director and brand developer, I know how to build customized music programs based on my client’s existing brand guidelines, marketing strategy, and customer demos

A One-of-a-Kind Music Program

After working with me, you’ll have a music program that is 100% yours and no one else’s. Skip the public playlists that other brands use… this is music for your customer’s ears only.

RemoTe Control

Control the soundtrack in your location with any smartphone so you can play it by ear.

AuTomaTed Scheduling

Need to change your tune? We can schedule different soundtracks for different times of day.


WhaT else do I do?

Variety is the spice of life and I believe becoming a skilled curator comes from having a diversity of different experiences in your industry. Here’s a few things I do in the music space that give me an edge:



I manage innovation and music curation at Coachella Music Festival. This gives me an inside look at the future of the music industry and how technology is shaping it.

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Splash House

I co-produce and brand direct Splash House Music Festival in Palm Springs, CA. As brand director I’m constantly thinking about how music affects our patron’s experiences.

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LeT’s ChaT

Send me a message and we can chat about music and stuff.


This is not the form or email to submit music and any music submitted here will not be considered for playlists.